We ought to glory in nothing, because nothing is ours. Cyprian

Tracy and I had the magic combination of a day off while the kids spent time with their grandparents so we went up to the Trossachs!

Finished reading: A Whole Life by Robert Seethaler 📚

This was a beautiful, little book I got on a whim from the library.

I’m working from the library right now, as I often do. The windows are open and there’s a cool breeze coming in in this bright, sunny day. And that breeze is wafting in the smell of KFC. 🍗

Over the next three or four weeks, we’re in various stages of travel, working while travelling, working, front-loading a bunch of work, half-working… testing the limits of my systems at the moment and it’s not particularly fun.

Preaching on the Christian life and mental health this coming Lord’s Day. While these sermons have been topical/doctrinal, I’ve continued to use an anchor text and this week’s is Psalms 42-43.

I have to say, I am really enjoying using MindNode during my sermon prep. Being able to switch between mindmap mode and outline mode as well as being able to easily move things around is helpful for figuring out how to rightly order my thoughts.

One of the things I didn’t expect when I got into full time ministry was just how much of the work with people would actually take place in WhatsApp.

So, invited by the great sweetness of his beneficence and goodness, let us study to love and serve him with all our heart. John Calvin

I did not expect Calvin to spend as much time as he did writing about angels in the Institutes but I’m really glad that he did.

This musical reworking of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 is absolutely gorgeous. 🎶

I had fully intended to write my sermon by hand but found it particularly tough going. I ended up caving and typing it up in Ulysses.

I suppose this view will do for a break before handwriting my sermon script. The research/study phase for this series has been laborious because it’s systematic and doctrinal rather than expository but spending weeks on it has been really helpful.

Resting place of Highland Mary.

What was my main day off activity today? Having my kids get me set up on Pokémon Violet. I may have fallen down a bit of a rabbit hole. 🎮

Over the summer I’m preaching four topical/doctrinal sermons instead of my normal expository work. To help with getting my head around “The Bible says this about…” I’m finally giving MindNode a go. It’s quite fun so far and I really appreciate the fact that it works really well as an outlining tool, which is the primary way I actually think through things.

memento mori

A clue to how the morning is going is that I almost started my pour over without any coffee in the v60…

There is a filter but it isn’t responsible for the curl in the clouds.

Working from home, for me, is less than ideal (especially when everyone is at home). But when Scottish weather decides to be very Scottish, I’m faced with either getting blown away and/or soaked if I try to work elsewhere.